We put students at the heart of everything we do and this means that we:
- Aim to maximize student achievement in internationally recognized accreditation and qualifications.
- Adopt and engage with world class, up-to-date learning methodologies and resources.
- Ensure that our learning environment is safe, clean, modern, stimulating and comfortable.
- Foster a sense of global mindedness, diversity and environmental awareness and instill a sense of self-discipline, responsibility, awareness and respect for others, locally and internationally.
- Nurture each child’s holistic pastoral development so that they become the well-rounded and empathetic citizens of tomorrow.
- Offer a broad, imaginative, exciting and evolving Extra-Curricular and Enrichment programme that enables leadership and confidence building through participation and success.
- Enable our students to make informed career choices and also meet the demanding challenges of universities and colleges across the world.
- Develop and sustain a life-long love of learning and personal development.
- Encourage all our learners to be proud of their school and to maintain their bond with it throughout their lives.
- Understand, appreciate, respect and seek to uphold Myanmar history, culture, peoples and language.