House News
  • The House System is one of the features of a school community. In Pride ISM Primary School, the students and teachers across Year 3 to Year 6 are integrated into four Houses namely, GRIFFIN, PEGASUS, ANZU and PHOENIX.

  • With only one House System, which is the same as Secondary School, students of Primary continue to be in the same House Group when they reach Secondary. Students are able to support each other as they move through key stages.
  • Our Houses names are chosen by the students, who vote for them. They are named after four mythical birds. The following are the House logos designed by our students.


griffinA mythical creature with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion.
It is the symbol of strength, courage and leadership.



pegasus Is a mythical winged divine stallion. It is symbolic of wisdom and fame.



anzu A large mythical bird with the body of an eagle and the head of a lion.



phoenixA mythical bird with colorful feathers and a tail of gold and scarlet.

  • The houses provide not only an increased feeling of identity and belonging, they also provide students with a sense of competition and abundant leadership opportunities.
  • The House System brings together students across year levels. Students across year levels participate in a variety of academics (language competitions, presentations and projects), sports and extra-curricular activities.
  • The House System is the excellent way to bring out hidden talents in students and give them opportunity to explore themselves. Students take part in a wide variety of House activities and competitions throughout the year. They gain House Points from those events and also through outstanding learning achievement, excellent work, improved work, being kind to others, marked improvement in attitude, and improved effort.
  • The total House Points for each Term is announced at the end of each Term, which motivates students to strive more in the following Term.
  • House Trophy is awarded at the end of each academic year to the House who receives the  most House points.